Monday, May 4, 2015

By the Power of the Moon

Much of magic is about harmony; about harnessing the movements of the planets, and time itself, for the most successful outcome possible.  This means choosing the time when the moon is at a certain point in the sky, corresponding with the right day, and possibly even the time of day.

My last post mostly focused on magical correspondences for the days of the week, but I only briefly touched on the subject of moon phases.  Since moon phases are an essential consideration for successful magic, I would like to explain some basic information about the phases of the moon, and what they mean.

There are four major moon states that should be understood: Waxing, waning, new, and full.

Most people are fully aware of what the full moon is; it is when the moon is completely illuminated, at her fullest, roundest glowing glory in the night sky.  Almost like a pregnancy, this is when your seed of intention, cast at or just after the new moon, should be fulfilled.

The new moon is rarely ever visible to the naked eye.  This is when the moon does not appear to be illuminated from Earth.  This is when the moon is ready to start a new cycle, and is a perfect time for you to set your intentions or start new projects for what will be the upcoming waxing moon.

Waxing Moon

When the moon is waxing, this is the time between the new moon and full moon.  This is when the moon is growing in size and strength, and will appear larger and brighter in the night sky.  Waxing moon phase is the time to cast magic intended to bring something to you or increase something in your life; i.e. money/prosperity, love drawing, fertility spells.  At this time, the magic you cast will grow with the moon.  (Think growth in your life.)

An example:  Since Friday is the day for love spells, the first Friday after the new moon would be a highly opportune night to perform a love-drawing spell (just take care that your spell is not aimed at a specific person.  See paragraph two in my notes section at the bottom).

Or, for a money drawing spell, cast a spell on the first Thursday after the new moon, perhaps with a green candle to represent growth.

Waning Moon

When the moon is waning, it is decreasing in size.  This is the time between the full moon and the new moon.  During this period, cast magic that is aimed at ridding something from your life, or sending something away from you.  Think certain types of protection spells, such as unhexing or uncrossing spells.  If you are interested in doing weight loss spells, or anti-depression or anti-loneliness spells, this would be the most excellent time.  The idea is that whatever is plaguing you will shrink along with the moon.  (Think letting go of things no longer serving you.)

Example:  Saturdays are nights for protection magic.  Cast off any hexes that may have been cast, or perform an uncrossing ritual.  Taking out time to cleanse your aura by including sea salt in your bathwater or shower scrubs is very wise at this time.

The universe is made up of many energies.  Learning each type of energy and its phases will help you to to better connect and align them, which will ultimately give your spells stronger power.  Stronger spells, of course, mean stronger outcomes!

Notes:  According to Karen Harrison, who wrote the fascinating guide for astrological herbal magic, The Herbal Alchemist's Handbook, the waxing moon is the time when we should cast magic intended to influence the world around us, just as a growing moon is outwardly affecting our world.  The waning moon is a time to return within to oneself, to receive wisdom, or to develop intuition.

It is very important that the magic you cast does not affect the free will of others.  Trying to influence the free will of another is a form of serious psychic manipulation.  I can tell you from personal experience that this is a very torturous thing to do to another, and I do not condone this type of magic in any way.  Keep in mind that everything you send out will return to you in one form or another, and may even affect your loved ones.  Cast spells wisely!  None of this is a game.

~Lapis Asetia~